Rolla Computer Services is here to assist you with virtually any computer need. Whether you need your home computer fixed or need an entire network with 50 workstations built from scratch, we can help.
Small & Medium Business
Small and Medium Businesses have a unique problem: They need to use all of the technology that large businesses do but many times cannot justify an in-house IT department. The solution to that problem is right in our wheelhouse. For over 14 years, we've provided enterprise class IT solutions to SMBs in the Rolla area at a fraction of the cost of a dedicated IT professional.
Personal Computers
Rolla Computer Services can help you with all of your computer woes! We have been helping people with their personal computers for over 15 years. Whether you need a virus removed, hardware replaced, a secure home network set up, or a computer custom built for your specific needs, we can help!
Smart Phones
Rolla Computer Services fixes smartphones and tablets. We've configured just about any type of smart phone or tablet and repaired just about any problem. If you need your e-mail configured, contacts and data moved to a new device, or a cracked screen replaced, give us a call.